How to Know Dog’s Heart Health?
February is Heart Health Month, however, it is significant to take note that it is not only humans that need to worry about difficulties related to circulatory systems. Dog’s heart health is identically important. They are equally suffered from this problem. The only difference is unawareness of the symptoms of furry friends. It is very easy to acknowledge the symptoms in our pets.
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The veterinarian says that most heart disease occurs in older age when the dogs show signs like laziness or inactivity, coughing, pale gums, and sometimes fainting.
The symptoms in dogs are easy to recognize while in cats it is comparatively difficult to notice. As we do not take the cats out for a walk. However, sometimes the pet parent may hear the heavy breath intake and coughing.
Signs of Heart Disease in Dogs
- Coughing and heavy breathing
- Weakness or fainting
- Bloating of abdomen
- Back leg weakness
- Paralysis in any leg
Reasons for Dog Heart Disease
- Genetic
Like humans, in pets too most heart diseases are genetic. Both the large and small dogs suffer from this ailment. Hence, a close observation is a must. Monitor pets closely.
On the other hand, this does not mean that since the condition is mostly genetic, proper attention should not be given to the diet of pets. Healthy meals are always favored.
2. Obesity
Obesity in pets leads to heart disease. The condition increases pressure on the heart and other internal organs as well.
3. Heartworms
Another mentioned reason by veterinarians is heartworms. The heartworm disease is spread by mosquitoes. This can lead to heart failure. It is caused by Dirofilaria immitis, a parasitic worm. Mosquito bite spreads the worm.
There are a lot of preventives available in different forms. The injectable gives six months of protection. The oral tablets can be given just once a month throughout the mosquito season.
Heartworm leads to enlargement of the right side of the heart and fluid building in the abdomen. The noticeable features are coughing and signs of weakness.
The heartworm test is also available and the results can be known within a few minutes.
4. Aging
Aging is one of the factors causing heart disease. 95% of heart conditions in dogs come on as they age. With age, the heart reduces its capacity. Sometimes, lack of nutrition also leads to the disease.
Treatment of Dog Heart Disease
The proper heart examinations can reveal the heart results and it is always advised with older pets. Sometimes there are no clinical signs so heart tests are recommended.
With early treatment, dogs can live better and longer. In most cases, drugs are prescribed while in other severe cases surgery is performed.
Other treatments include some diet changes and weight loss.
Tests for Dog Heart Disease Examination
Usually, three tests are performed to know dog’s heart health
- Physical examination
This includes checking blood pressure, listening to the heartbeat with a stethoscope, and blood tests if required.
2. Electrocardiogram
It is performed to check the rhythm of the heartbeat.
3. Echocardiogram
Vet cardiologists performs this test (which is heart ultrasound) to view the dog’s heart.
Dogs are an inevitable part of the family. They should always be given equal attention and care as any other member of the family.
Dog’s heart health is impartially significant. Do not risk losing part of the family to an often treatable heart condition.
It is always easier to manage as soon as the heart disease develops. Hence, proper attention and regular checkups for the dogs are advocated.