What is Digital Detox?
Digital detox is a very common term you must have read or heard recently.
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Detox is getting rid of toxicity and digital detox is putting or side keeping digital activities or use of technology to a minimum.
Digital things are taking a toll on our health. As we are prone to more usage of technology we kind of dependent on it for completing any task. Every official or personal work somehow needs technology for its completion.
Meaning of Digital Detox
As per the dictionary digital detox is a time person refrains from using electronic devices like smartphones, computers, etc to reduce stress.
It results in more interaction with people making you more social in the physical world.
There are huge benefits of using technology as it is fast, requires less effort, and is error-free but on the other side it is a serious concern for the human race.
Do you need a digital detox? This question is answered only when you understand the harm it is causing not only to your health but also to your life.
There is no denying that digital items are irreplaceable in today’s world and time. But, limiting its usage maintains the balance between work personal life, and health.
It is thus a good idea to take some time away from technology and notice the benefits of digital detox.
This will provide you with time to reset and refresh. Overload of its usage will affect it in the long run. It is addictive and gives the feeling of keeping in touch with the world.
Technology detox initially proves to be a tough task as it raises the feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out) by not using the devices.
The process of digital or technology detox seems difficult to start. It affects moods and generates negative feelings like isolation and loneliness.
However, practice makes us understand that digital items are not that essential and there are a lot more things around that need time and attention.
This detox is a process of controlling your mind, and and your brain. It involves refraining the brain from rewarding chemicals that the digital world creates.
Willpower alone will not be helpful but it also requires group support (family and friends). When you are trying for it ask for support from family and friends.
Be open to accepting that I am on a digital detox for some time or some days.
Remember, good works are supported and encouraged by all.