Is Steam Good For Face?
Steam has numerous health benefits but is steam good for face?
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People use different methods to hydrate and glow their skin. While some look for the best facial cleansers and moisturizers contrarily others use water vapors and face steaming for glowing skin.
Steam opens up pores and removes the dirt deposited in pores. It also loosens the blackheads which can be easily removed after steaming just by soft exfoliating.
Steam is the most reasonable and handy way to increase the beauty of your skin. Glowing skin attracts attention.
Although a simple bowl or pot of hot water will suffice, some add salt, lemon, tea, dried herbs, and oils for added benefits.
What are the advantages of face steam?
Does it result in glowing skin? This is the very first question that comes to mind.
So, here are some advantages of face steam
- Improved serum absorption, increased circulation, and a sense of relaxation.
- It makes skin more breathable and clear by opening pores and removing dirt.
- Skin becomes shiny and glowing by increased blood circulation.
- Removes fresh tan from the skin.
- Increased blood flow increases the elasticity of the skin making it younger.
- Along with beauty advantages it also has health benefits like it removes congestion, and helps in soothing coughs and colds.
How does steam help in cleansing?
Face steaming opens your pores allowing dead cells, dirt, and other impurities that clog pores to be released.
If you have blackheads, face steam can soften them and make removal easier, and resulting in glowing skin.
How does steam promote blood circulation?
Even after you have a proper skincare routine sometimes your skin looks dull and dehydrated. This is the time when steam works.
The main reason for this could be poor circulation of blood in the area.
Steaming of the face helps increase circulation in the area, provides oxygen, and maintains a healthy and young skin appearance.
Does steam hydrate skin?
Facial steaming increases the permeability of the skin to improve absorption. This means that the moisturizer or other skin product that you apply penetrates deeper into the skin.
Face steaming enhances skin flexibility and prevents dryness. It promotes the production of natural oils that hydrates the skin, resulting in supple glowing skin.
How does steam help in looking young?
The improved circulation throughout the face and neck area helps to produce more collagen and elastin, two important components of firm skin that can make you look younger over years.
How does steam remove excess sebum?
Sebum is a natural oil that your skin produces for lubrication. Steam opens the pores and allows trapped sebum to be released, which can be wiped off.
How long should you steam your face?
In general, you can steam for up to 5-6 minutes but observe if your skin feels great with this, then follow this time and if your skin feels red or irritated then discontinue and interrupt in between. It depends on skin type and sensitivity.
How to steam your face?
You can always use these methods for relaxing and effective steaming.
- Steam over a hot pot: Bring sufficient water to a pot or kettle and boil it. Add any oil or herb as wished. Cover it, and simmer the gas. Let the steam get collected a bit. Remove it from the stove. Replace the lid. Lower your head at a comfortable distance, tie your hair, cover your head with a towel and enjoy the steam.
- Steam with a hot towel: Pour the towel in hot water, and squeeze out the excess water. Place the towel on your face covering it. Relax for a while. Repeat if needed.
- Steam with a steamer: This is the best way to steam your face as it offers powerful steam. You can enhance the value by adding oils.
How often should you steam your face?
Oily skin types can take steam twice or thrice a week but if you have drier and thinner skin then steam once a week is enough.
What can I add to my steam for glowing skin?
Although steam alone can glow your skin, you can also add some products to increase its effectiveness.
- Salt: Try steaming your face with salt water to see great results. Salt exfoliates dead cells and clears acne and oil.
- Lemon: It helps remove dead cells, blackheads, acne, and discoloration.
- Green tea: It is rich in antioxidants. So adding it in steam will prevent anti-aging signs like wrinkles and other skin problems like irritation etc.
- Herbs: Chamomile, rosemary, lavender, and peppermint are some herbs that you can add to your steam. These all herbs are good for the skin preventing dermatitis and other skin inflammations.
- Essential oils: Eucalyptus and lavender are some oils to treat acne and oily skin problems. These are also used as oil therapy for treating stress and insomnia.
What does research reveal?
Research reveals that steam has a good impact on beauty and health as well.
Altogether, the above-said products are good and add benefits to the skin but the research of these products is done on the skin which means while these are applied on the skin they do benefit.
Hence, instead of adding the above products to water for steaming, apply the products on the face directly or by making a paste and then steam the face for extra glowing skin.
Add steam to your beauty regime. In brief, it leads to younger skin by adding hydration, increasing glow by increased blood flow, and clearer skin due to open pores which leads to the removal of dirt and blackheads.
Steaming your face makes your skin softer and smoother.
It is safe if you do not have skin problems like eczema, melisma, etc.
Keeping all this in mind, for glowing skin include steam as a part of skincare and perform it with safety.